
Traveling Tips to Get Ready For The Summer

The summer is here, and after the challenging past year, many of us are excited to hit the road for a summer vacation. Whether you are driving across the country to meet up with family and friends or are heading to the beach for a relaxing week away, there are certain considerations to take into account for summer travel. Traveling in the summer poses very different risks and challenges to other times of the year. By following these top tips listed below, you’ll be ready to hit the road and enjoy exploring again this summer.

Factor In Regular Breaks During Your Journey

Traveling during the warmer summer months can be a lot more stressful for everyone involved. Whether you are the driver or passenger, you’ll want to ensure you plan your route in advance to offer everyone a break from sitting in the car for too long at once. Before you hit the road, map out your journey and look for interesting points to stop at on the way. Find somewhere where you can walk around and enjoy some delicious food before hitting the road again. If you have a particularly long journey ahead of you, consider splitting it over two days and adding a hotel stay in the middle to break things up.

Plan Your Trip in Advance

While you may prefer to be spontaneous during your travels, when it comes to a summer trip, we recommend trying to plan as much in advance as possible. This is especially true when traveling around the 4th July, as you’ll find everything gets booked up well in advance of your trip. Hotels and resorts are likely to be extremely busy this summer, as international travel is still restricted, keeping more families closer to home. We even recommend booking your dinner reservations ahead of time where possible, which will reduce your waiting time each evening for dinner. While you don’t have to have a complete minute-by-minute plan mapped out for your trip, a rough idea of what you are going to do each day can help a lot.

Prepare Your Vehicle for the Long Journey

Many of us have only been driving around our local neighborhood in the past year, and for that reason, we always recommend taking the time to check your vehicle is prepared for a long drive. Check your tires with a pressure gauge, and then look at getting them changed if they are particularly worn out. The coolant and windscreen wipers also need to be checked before hitting the road, as these are crucial functions for summer travel. Finally, do not neglect to check the air-conditioning. There’s nothing worse than sitting in a stuffy car for hours on end, and it can be incredibly dangerous when traveling with kids and pets. Checking the interior and exterior of your car before your trip can help prevent any surprises once you hit the road.

Keep Copies of Your Important Documents

When traveling with any valuable documents, such as your passport or driver’s license, we always recommend taking a photocopy of these before heading off. Even a photo on your phone can be a lifesaver in the event that your documents are lost or damaged. If you are traveling overseas at all this year, make sure you keep your passport securely hidden during your journey. There’s nothing worse than losing your key documents or ID cards before or during your trip, which can stop you from enjoying the adventures you’ve been looking forward to all year. If you do have travel insurance for your trip, which is always highly recommended, keep the policy number to hand at all times. This will be the first thing you are asked for when making a claim on your insurance during a trip.

Prepare for All Weather Conditions

Even if you are heading to somewhere in the country which is known for its warm climate, don’t expect every day of your trip to have perfect sunshine. Prepare for all eventualities by packing rain gear, sun protection, and insect repellent. You’ll want to ensure you have some extra outfits and layers packed, as even a warmer destination can become chilly come night-time. Preparing for all weather conditions also involves having a backup plan for those days where you need to shelter indoors. Pack some entertainment for your kids and teens in case you need to spend a day in your hotel, or look for fun indoor attractions your whole travel party will enjoy.

Understand the Roadside Assistance Available to You

When traveling by car, we always recommend that you have your roadside assistance needs covered before heading off on a long journey. There’s nothing worse than breaking down on the side of the road in the hot summer months, only to spend hours waiting for someone to come and assist you. With Eemerg Roadside Assistance, you’ll enjoy real-time responses from multiple providers, so you can continue your journey in no time at all. You’ll be able to select a service, provider, price, and ETA to fit your needs.

Regardless of whether you need help jump-starting your vehicle or dealing with a flat tire, we are here to help you avoid delays on your vacation this year. We understand that traveling with young children or pets requires immediate action, and you can receive help straight away from the web app or call center. You’ll find the service quick and easy to use, and it won’t add a huge bill to the start of your trip.

For families and individuals across the country, this summer is going to be a time of exploration and celebration. If you’ve missed out on vacations in the past year, it’s time to head out on the road and make new memories with your friends and family once again. Of course, your health and safety should be your number one priority when traveling this year. By following these tips listed above, you’ll enjoy a stress-free and relaxing vacation this summer.

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