Roadside Assistance Now

Amazon Demo

Dispatcher Experience

This is a video walkthrough of what the Amazon dispatcher will do when submitting and reviewing the request. This is a fast and straightforward service that is linked to the driver in the field in real-time. This dispatcher will be able to review service request and update them with note when need. They will also be able to connect with drivers and providers through the service call. The dispatcher will have access to service report and DSP information through the portal and run the reports.

Driver Experience

This video will walk you through the driver service request portal. The driver will work directly with Amazon dispatchers to find locations and submit images when necessary. The driver will be notified through the portal about provider assignments and ETAs. They will receive real-time updates and be able to view the providers’ exact location. This portal will be sync directly will the dispatcher offering a direct line of communication to Amazon and Eemerg.

DSP Experience

DSP owner will be able to view active service calls, review service reports, and add and delete service vehicles as needed.  

Roadside Assistance Reimagined